Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Semester's Over! Now, Waiting on Christmas and Russian Invitation

I know it’s terrible that I don’t write here more often…but what can I say, I’ve been busy!

I just finished emailing in my last assignment for this semester’s classes, that makes it 24 credit hours down and 9 more to go! I will be taking 3 more classes next semester to finish up my degree in Intercultural Studies at Calvary :)

This past Sunday I was at the last church I was scheduled to share at – that means that I don’t have to travel any more :) I’m sure I’ll still be leaving the ranch to get out and see people, but now I feel like I’m free – no more homework and nothing else on the schedule…well, except to sit back and enjoy Christmas with family!

I called the university in Krasnoyarsk last night to check on my invitation (which I am waiting on to apply for my visa so I can return to Russia as a student). No news there, except I found out that they were a month later than they had previously told me in submitting the paper work to the government to receive the visa. So if my estimates are right (though no one can ever be sure of anything when dealing with dates and timelines in Russia) it looks like (the optimistic view) the soonest I will be returning to Russia in the end of January first part of February…perhaps it is more realistic to say the end of February…

I’m not sure what I will do with “all this extra time” but I have a feeling that it will fill up pretty fast. I am getting more anxious to return to Russia and fear losing my Russian language more and more as I stay here in the States.

BUT I do not want anyone to think that I am not enjoying my time here. I am REALLY enjoying time with family and friends and am stinkin’ excited to be here for Christmas!!

Until the next time, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

p.s. I’m kinda glad I’m not in Krasnoyarsk right now, they are experiencing -40*, -50* weather…burrr