Thursday, February 24, 2011

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

My 9 months in the States have flown by fast. They have been pretty packed with traveling, homework and visiting friends and family. I am excited to return to Russia, yet HATE saying goodbye.

I fly out Tuesday, March 2nd at 11am from Denver. I go to JFK (in NY) then to Moscow then to St Pete (arriving 4pm March 3rd local time, 6am WY time). I’ll spend a couple days there packing up my things (stored at a friend’s house) and then ship them out on a train to Krasnoyarsk, where I plan to arrive (by plane) on Sunday morning 5am local time (3pm Saturday WY time). Krasnoyarsk is 14 hours ahead of mountain time so that will be quite the adjustment (as well as recovering from the 20 hours of flight time).

God has answered several of my prayer requests from a few weeks ago! I received my visa with plenty of time to spare, received my FBI background check (to apply for another visa while in Russia), I am 2 papers shy of finishing up my second to last college class and I am enjoying remaining time with family (I got to spend time with my Grandma Lucille and my sister and brother-in-law)! Also, my friend Lea, who has a brain tumor is already seeing good results from her recent radiation treatments (the tumor has begun to shrink!!!)

It is sad to think about all of the people I didn’t get to see while in the States or the people that I was hoping to spend more time with, but the reality is that I was able to see a lot of people and spend time with many friends and family that I might not have been able to see if I has worked a job where I only get weekends and holidays off. I’ve been greatly blessed by the encouragement of brothers and sisters who pray for me and care about what God is doing in and through me!

I’m excited about getting back to Russia and I am praying for a “soft landing” – finding a great apartment/roommate(s) shortly after arrival, the return of my Russian language, good health, and quick recovering from jet lag. I am thankful for friends in Krasnoyarsk that are allowing me to stay with them until I can find another place to live. I am excited about what the future holds and anxious about many of the things that I have to do once I get there (finding housing, language schooling, gathering documents to apply for resident’s visa, etc.)

I have less than a week left and a lot of packing and odds and ins to get done in that time (including two more papers to write!)

Appreciate you reading and caring about my life!