Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some Random Pictures

Birthday cake
Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University where I study
Kids' program at church on Easter Sunday
Uncle Lenin
Lena my roommate

Some Random Thoughts

Why does the ruble have to keep going up and the keep dollar going down? Oh, yeah. It’s this thing they call “gas”…

Been here 2 months, you’d think I’d have a routine or some consistency…maybe someday I’ll come to grips with the Russian reality that consistency is impossible.

Like the flexibility of the language program I’m in… too bad it’s not the most consistent and challenging.

I love randomness of Russian life – having a drunk, beat-up assembly man show up to assemble my desk and proving he is a break dancer by doing a back-flip in my living room OR while running an errand, seeing a naked guy standing in the snow, or reading “words” on written with Latin letters that really aren’t words

My roommate is an awesome match for me, it’s a bummer that she and her mom just sold the apartment we live in and are moving to a smaller, studio apartment with no indoor plumbing.

Wish I had a better internet connection and that there wasn’t a 14 hour time difference between here and WY…it makes me feel pretty far removed…almost like I live in Siberia or something…

I love hanging out with friends…too bad you can’t get a visa just to hang out with people

Good thing God knows what I should do with my time and what I should do to extend my visa and keep living here…now, for Him to let me know…

Some days I just want to throw my hands up and plead insanity

I have to admit, even with all my worries, I wouldn’t change this life God has given me.