Friday, March 27, 2009

I can't believe how warm it is today!

As I write this I am wearing a tank top and shorts, my window's open, the sun is shinning and my thermometer reads 16 C (60 F) . . . though I should add – I'm also wearing slippers the heat in the apartment is roaring and that thermometer is in the sun. Last night it didn't get below freezing – we are truly experiencing spring . . . FOR NOW. (That is my disclaimer for when I wake up tomorrow and it's 14 F - like it was just a few days ago).

2 days ago I took a few pictures of our “beautiful” spring, though with today's weather I feel I need to take some more of the flooded streets and the 3 foot deep “sink-holes” in the snow packed walking-paths. My socks were a bit damp after the walk home from school today – after trudging through water and slush.

It was nice of them to start clearing sidewalks . . . the one below is surrounded by 3 foot banks on each side (you forget just how high off the ground you are walking on all that snow)

This area of ground has to have some kind of sewer line under it - for so much snow and ice to melt so much faster then other parts of the road . . .

It's so "exciting" to see just what all is underneath all that snow . . . evidence would show there there are a lot of dogs, drunks and smokers around . . .

S.A.D. (Singleness Awareness Day)

Really, this Valentine's Day didn't feel too S.A.D. at all . . .

On Valentine's Day, the gals from the church had a Devichnik (slumber party). It was held at one girl's parents' house – a 4 story brick home in a gated community, I sure didn't feel like I was in Siberia any more! We eat, talked, sang, talked, did facial masks, talked and slept a little. It was a ton of fun, good language practice and a great time of getting to know the gals from church better.

We talked a lot about marriage and singleness – a subject that comes up VERY often in this circle of women. Knowing that this would be the topic of conversation, I desired to share with them some of what God had been teaching me about His gift of singleness. Though I didn't feel like I was able to share all that my heart wanted to (because of my limited Russian) I was able to share what an encouragement 1 Corinthians 7:25-35 had been to me. Later on that evening, one of the older ladies from the church shared about her marriage and ended up mentioning several of the things that were on my heart earlier but I didn't know how to say – I was so glad she shared!

My prayer for myself and for these awesome gals is that we would use this gift of singleness to have an “undistracted devotion to the Lord” (1 Corinthians 7:35) All in all, it was probably my best S.A.D. ever :)

Nope, we're not talking in Russian - this is my American friend, Rachel that homeschools M.K.'s in the city and occasionally makes it out to our district/suburb

Friday, March 13, 2009

Cinderella, mohawked prince, giant oranges & a girls-night-out

Two weeks ago, I went to my first ballet. I've been wanting to go since I got here but just hadn't found the time. When I saw that "Zoleshka" (Cinderella) was playing I told Jamie we were going, I bought the tickets and we went even though I was feeling under the weather (more like, under the influence of "Russian NyQuile" - see blog "Russian Remedies" for more on that). We went with our friend from church, Lena - which made our girls-night-out a lot of fun. It was ridiculously cheap - 280 rubles ($8) so I'm pretty sure we're going to have to do it again!

As far as the ballet went, it was a bit . . . random! Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures during the show to to share this modern ballet with you - complete with interesting costumes, a random chorus line of maids, the ugly step sisters dancing with giant oranges, random characters that where suppose to represent the seasons and a very interesting prince charming (with a Mohawk and a one sleeved "belly-jacket"). Not to mention, that Cinderella doesn't lose her slipper - she actually throws it at prince charming before riding her giant wooden horse with wings off the stage.

If you're ever in town - you should probably check it out :)The Orchestra pit

What does Spring make you think of?

On March 1st everyone got all excited because spring “came!” And surprisingly it did seem to warm up! It's been around 20-30 degrees as of late and I have REALLY enjoyed the sunshine and not wearing long-underwear!!! The birds have been singing and I, too joined in in rejoicing that spring was here!

Then last Friday night at the church's young adult fellowship meeting, the lesson's lead-in-question was “What is the first thing you think of when you think of spring?” I was very surprised at the answers as we went around the room – at least half of the people answered: dirty snow, muddy streets and paths or getting splashed as cars drove by. Still, some talked about the fresh smell in the air and warmer weather and a few more answered skiing and ice skating - not the average US answer to such a question :)

I'm starting to think that living in Siberia is going to change my view of spring. Even though I'm finding what my friends from church said to be VERY true, I am also finding more joy than ever before in the sunshine, longer days, warmer weather, birds' songs, and less layers!

Today is the warmest day yet! (36 F) – Even though it's been snowing all day, it actually reminds me of our Wyoming springs – minus the wind ;)
I found this picture on someone else's blog, I don't even know who this kid is. It was taken somewhere in Novosibirsk - it looks like it could be right around the corner from my apartment building! Underneath the 2-4 feet of snow everywhere are lots of dirt, trash and "evidence" of dogs. Hopefully soon I'll take some "Siberian Spring" pictures of my own (it just doesn't strike me as being picture worthy...)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

3 Russian Cars Worth a Picture

There's not too much depth to this blog – just a quick look at Russian culture.

“The Fresh Maker”

I don't know why, but this candy delivery vehicle struck me as funny – with the word “Mentos” written on the side of the car I couldn't resist

“Can you see the mini-coop?”

This car (to the left) is parked outside a neighboring apartment building that I walk by almost every day. As far as I know, it has never left this packing space in the 5+ months that I have lived here. During our heavy winter snows I kept wanting to take a picture of this cute little mini-coop getting covered with snow. On the day of this picture, I decided I better take it before you couldn't tell there was a car there!

“No, they're not Rubber”

I walked out of my way to make sure I caught a picture of this car – but as I took the picture I realized that there was 2 guys sitting inside the car staring at me and decided to be on my way

As I saw and heard of car owners frustrations during the Siberian winter (with almost no one using heated garages) I am thankful for 2 good legs and cheep public transportation!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Coming Soon . . .

This once a month stuff just isn't cutting it with all the things I want to share with you!
My hope is that I will do a better job of regularly posting since I have high speed internet in our apartment. Here's a sneak peek at what's to come:

-Prince Charming has a Mohawk?
-A Happy SAD (Singles' Awareness Day)
-5 days in "Little America" -just a 12 hour train ride away

-I'd like to introduce you to my new best friend, Skype

Babushkas' Russian Remedies

Last Thursday I started to feel a cold coming on – you know, with the scratchy throat, runny nose and frequent sneezing. Not thinking too much about it, I told Baba T. that I had a runny nose and was afraid that I was a little bit sick. I should have known that such an action would be followed by “suggested” remedies. Note: a babushka's “suggestion” is nothing short of a command.

I still remember my second week here when I sneezed in my room and Baba T. brought a little jar of minced garlic to me and told me to sniff it every hour and carry it in my purse.

Baba T. has said on a few occasions now, “I am like your mother” - in the context of her giving me “suggestions” - and I'm sure that my mom is grateful that I have her here to watch over me and take care of me as she is 13 time zones away. So here are the Russian remedies I have had the privilege of trying:

Remedy 1: Swallow a spoon full of freshly minced garlic

Remedy 2: Wash your nostrils with all natural fragrance-free soap every time you sneeze or blow your nose

Remedy 3: Hot herbal drinks with honey and lemon or raspberries

Remedy 4: Gargle one glass of warm water with 1 tsp salt, 1/3 tsp baking soda and some bitter yellow liquid stuff that tastes like pine trees (note: you are NOT allowed to brush your teeth afterward)

Remedy 5: NEVER drink anything cold – all beverages must be at least lukewarm

Remedy 6: 1 tbsp vodka with some added herbs when you get up, before lunch and before you go to bed

“Well, did they work?” - I am almost back to health, but to what it can be attributed to I don't know. But the herbal drinks were pretty good and Remedy 6 (which I like to call Russian Nyquil) made me so tired all I wanted to do was sleep. However, in my opinion, the affects of Remedy 1 are simply not worth ANY positive results . . . I will elaborate no further.

I'll be sure to keep you posted as I learn more Russian remedies from my loving, caring Russian babushka who is truly a blessing to me.