Friday, March 13, 2009

What does Spring make you think of?

On March 1st everyone got all excited because spring “came!” And surprisingly it did seem to warm up! It's been around 20-30 degrees as of late and I have REALLY enjoyed the sunshine and not wearing long-underwear!!! The birds have been singing and I, too joined in in rejoicing that spring was here!

Then last Friday night at the church's young adult fellowship meeting, the lesson's lead-in-question was “What is the first thing you think of when you think of spring?” I was very surprised at the answers as we went around the room – at least half of the people answered: dirty snow, muddy streets and paths or getting splashed as cars drove by. Still, some talked about the fresh smell in the air and warmer weather and a few more answered skiing and ice skating - not the average US answer to such a question :)

I'm starting to think that living in Siberia is going to change my view of spring. Even though I'm finding what my friends from church said to be VERY true, I am also finding more joy than ever before in the sunshine, longer days, warmer weather, birds' songs, and less layers!

Today is the warmest day yet! (36 F) – Even though it's been snowing all day, it actually reminds me of our Wyoming springs – minus the wind ;)
I found this picture on someone else's blog, I don't even know who this kid is. It was taken somewhere in Novosibirsk - it looks like it could be right around the corner from my apartment building! Underneath the 2-4 feet of snow everywhere are lots of dirt, trash and "evidence" of dogs. Hopefully soon I'll take some "Siberian Spring" pictures of my own (it just doesn't strike me as being picture worthy...)

1 comment:

brenda said...

remember: during a drought MUD is beautiful! Your background is shining through!