Sunday, July 5, 2009

nothing of depth, just life

i don't write on this thing enough, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t anything to write about, but those things all take time to think about what to say and how to say it. and since i don't feel like thinking too hard right now, i thought i would just write and tell you what i'm doing tonight.
Nearly 2-year-old Samuel Orner and I are jamming out to the hip-hop/rap blaring across the street where there is a tennis tournament going on. today is a bit better then yesterday's music (that had a lot of english swear words in it...i'm pretty sure they had no idea what the songs where about...)
Well now, jamming out is too old and now we're running around trying to find something interesting to get into. So with that said, i better get back to being a babysitter.
thanks for reading and i hope to write something with a little more depth soon.
Until next time here's Sam’s and my top 5 things to do:
5. eat a little bit of bread and apple with your peanut butter
4. go up and down stairs in the hall way (watch out, a face plant doesn't feel so hot)
3. watch Russian Sesame Street…5000 times
2. play songs on classical interments (rolling pin, and other kitchen utincles)
1. and the most exciting of all! - let your sippy cup leak apple juice all over your bed!


CristyLynn said...

Какая хорошая тётя!

janiceorner said...

now me that all sounds absolutley delightful...and exhausting. you are such a sweet friend to babysit for Lucas and Jamie...
i can't help being a bit jealous tho :)