Saturday, September 18, 2010

motivation for reading: super-soaker and a BA

Pretty sure that my present-day life is reading books. When I get finished with one, I write a paper about it and pick up the next one. After I finish a chapter or section I “reward” myself by changing my reading location (from the floor to the bed, from the bed to the chair, from the chair to the floor) or do other fun activities like go to the bathroom.

Coffee is my friend.

It's so much fun...especially since reading has always been my favorite thing to do…

I remember when my parents bribed (they would probably describe it as “rewarding” or “encouraging”) me to read x amount of books over the summer with $10 of spending money. It must have worked, because I remember buying a super-soaker water gun (I still have it too!)

But pretty sure I wouldn’t be going through all of this for a super-soaker. If only $10 would buy a Bachelors of Arts degree. Turns out a BA costs a little bit more money than that AND, wouldn’t you know, it requires reading!?

DON’T GET ME WRONG, I’m enjoying what I am reading and God is teaching me through it. I’m also thankful that people are supporting me during this time, so I am able to get this better-than-a-super-soaker-BA debt free!!

Enough about the college life (take 2)…

Two weekends ago I took these pictures while with some Greer’s in Springfield, MO area (Brighton and Silver Dollar City) MO.

Good times!

1 comment:

spackle sisters said...

Nay Nay,
loved the blog. How's school going? Well, I guess besides reading. I'm trying to get back into school. Money is just the worst. But degrees are necessary to actually make money, who knew?! :) Loved the pictures. The picture of your grandpa is pretty spectacular. Any good book suggestions from the ones you're reading?
jaye jaye