Saturday, August 29, 2009

Man, God's good!

I apologize for that last entry which was written shortly after a long nap at a time of day that my body thought should be the middle of the night. My mind and body is still not back up to speed but it’s recovering :)

With that said, I would like to just share with you some of my ponderings this morning that I have had as I thought on God’s goodness and grace to me over the past 37 days of travels.

Things that made these past few weeks challenging:

- Traveling for 32 hours straight with nothing more than two 30 minute naps along the way … TWICE!

- Going through a 13 hour time change 2X (affecting the mind and stomach . . . or was that all the airport and plane food?)

- Sleeping on 11 different beds/couches (one of which was for 4 nights consecutively, another for 3 nights consecutively and the rest were less)

- Driving over 2,000 miles and flying over 5,000 (in the States)

- Spending “quality time” in 7 different airports (and going through security 8 times)

- 5 delayed flights (averaging 1.5 hours a piece)

- Not getting to spend much time with my parents or sister

- Having to say goodbye . . . A LOT

BUT ways in which God’s grace was poured out on me:

- I had safe, smooth travels – I never fell asleep while driving, never lost ANYTHING, and only paid luggage fees one time!!

- I was never sick

- Enjoyed games of “Yahtzee”, ping-pong, “Clue”, “Rook”, “Nickles” and “Sorry” with family

- Played ultimate frisbee (I forgot what it was like to play any type of sport, since I’m a girl and all ;) )

- Watched a Colt’s game with my sister (they won of course, even though it was pre-season)

- Shared with 7 congregations, visited 2 colleges, met with 7 pastors

- Had a 4 day vacation in Minneapolis for a friend’s wedding (it was awesome to be a part of that bridle party, they were a hoot!)

- Countless hugs

- Late night talks (and late night Wi hula-hooping contests!)

- Great food! (I seriously felt like my schedule was “meet, eat and leave”)

- Numerous people who showed genuine interest in what I am doing (I could tell who was keeping up with me, and some of them I didn’t even know!)

- Speaking at a relative’s church that wasn’t even on “my list” with a last minute (literally!) invitation to share for the whole service . . . did I mention that they also very generously blessed me?!

- Having God get me through times of sharing my ministry when all my body wanted to do was sleep

- Somehow getting me on a FULL flight out of Moscow because of missing a flight AND saving me about $150 in baggage fees!

Man, God’s good! His grace never ceases to amaze me! In hind’s sight, I would have liked to have more time to prepare for some of the opportunities I had and I would have liked more time with family. But God used this time to abundantly bless and show me – yet again – His faithfulness and grace.

1 comment:

brenda said...

So I'm just now getting 'caught up' on your blogging. You bless my soul!! I know you know we would have loved more time with you - but what we had was 'quality' and I'm thankful for that! PTL We have been busy here so there hasn't been much time to 'think about' your leaving which is very good because I would be throwing a pity-party! When I was driving home after leaving you off at the airport, through the tears the Jeremy Camp song came on the radio "There Will Be A Day" more tears, no more pain, no more fears... "Man, God's so Good!"