Monday, May 11, 2009

"Encouraging" Exam (take 2)

(I was made aware that some people where unable to view this blog, so we'll try it again...)
The last week in April we took a 5 part (grammar, writing, reading, listening and speaking) test over the Russian language to judge where we were at and what we needed to work on more since we had just completed our 2nd text book and where moving up a level. Though the test results don't really effect anything – I was praying for encouraging results. But, I guess I should have been more specific with that prayer . . . I wanted them to be encouraging by showing results of much progress and high level of performance – NOT results that would encourage me to try harder!

I was pretty hard on myself for my poor results – especially in the area of speaking! But since then, God has comforted my heart and reminded me to lean on Him because He will accomplish what He has brought me here to do (Romans 4:20-21). I will keep striving and not just look at the “failures” but also take note of just how far God has brought me in language learning. On a positive note, the listening portion was cake – I actually laughed while listening to the audio recording for this part of the test and thought to myself, “If only Baba T. and my friends spoke this slow . . .”


CristyLynn said...

Thanks for reposting this! I had tried to come back several times to read, so I'm glad it finally worked. :)

I'll be praying for other ways of encouragement for you. It seems like you are doing a great job of getting involved in people's lives, which is really the best classroom!

Love you, Vanessa!

brenda said...

Yea! nice post. You are too hard on yourself sometimes, I'm glad you atleast see some positives! I'm very proud of you!