Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Easter: Road trip, BBQ, Hamburger and Friendships

While Easter was a few weeks ago (one week later than in the US), I am just now getting time to sit down and tell you about how great it was!

My friends Lena and Dima from our church here in Akadem-goradok are from Krasnayarsk (about a 9 hour drive away) and were headed home for Easter. Dima drove all night there, we were there for 48 hours and then he drove all the way back over night. It was crazy – just like something I would do with my friends back in the states!

While in Krasnayarsk I went to my first shashlik (BBQ) in the woods and enjoyed shish-kababs, singing and playing games with young adults from House of Prayer. It was a bit damp and chilly but I had a blast connecting with more believers and being able to see progress in my Russian ability. To warm up after the BBQ, we went to one gals house and enjoyed cake and tea and laughed and laughed at cultural differences and each other's impersonations of foreign languages.

After church on Sunday a bunch of the young adults met up for lunch at a cafe – similar to that of an American fast-food restaurant – that sold hamburgers, chicken nuggets, french-fries and (so that they would actually have business) Russian dishes. It was the first time in 7 months that I eat a hamburger – my senses might have been a bit impaired, but it seemed to taste like one of the best hamburgers I've ever eaten!

Hanging out with Lena and Dima and their friends made me realize that my language was progressing enough that I am able to begin real friendships – similar to those that I often miss back in the States. I am at a bitter-sweet season in my life – I am gaining new friendships while having to loosen my grip on old ones. Glory be to God who is faithful to meet my EVERY need – financially, physically, mentally, spiritually and socially!

1 comment:

brenda said...

liked this post and you are right for calling it encouraging test this was a better gage for your language learning than a class room test