Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thankful for Thanksgiving in Russia

I wasn't so sure about being here for the holidays, but God made my first thanksgiving away from home a pretty awesome one. The Orner's were (and are) a HUGE blessing! Jamie had decided that we would celebrate Thanksgiving on Friday night (we wouldn't have homework then and we usually hang out Friday nights anyway – plus, actual Thanksgiving Day took place while we were sleeping Thursday night, since it is just an American holiday). Jamie planned a feast (which was very ambitious of her, since the food here is so different and shopping for it when you don't speak Russian makes it even harder!)

I went over in the late afternoon to play the role as the sue chief (not sure how to spell that – I didn't even know what that was until Jamie started calling me one). We listened to some Christmas music I had on my computer while we cooked and eat – it was pretty cool. When I said that I missed my parent's old Christmas records, Lucas tried to look up some of the songs online for us to listen to and after a long search he actually found Connie Smith's “Go Tell it on the Mountain” (my all-time favorite!) . . . although it was only a 30 second sampler it was still stinkin awesome!

Jamie fixed corn bread (thanks to Lucas' parents who sent that Jiffy mix!), mashed potatoes (I'd been craving those!), green beans, cooked carrots and onions, the juiciest porks chops ever (mine was seriously 1 ½” thick!), apple crisp and even pumpkin pie!!! Man, I wish those of you in the states could truly realize just how amazing this accomplishment really is – Jamie as awesome! You might ask “Where's the turkey?” They are hard to find here and although one of our teachers told us where we could get one, I was a party-pooper and confessed that I didn't really like turkey (it's true – ranchers tend to like meat, not fowl) (:

And what would Thanksgiving be without football!? Well, I still don't know that answer to that one, because Lucas downloaded the Colts vs. Steelers game from a few weeks ago and we watched it after dinner! It was so awesome!

While Thanksgiving just wasn't the same, it was pretty awesome! I praise God who knows my needs and desires and always proves faithful to provide them! I praise Him for new traditions and home away from home. I also praise God for giving me a family who is willing to let me be half way around the world even during the harder holiday times. God is so good!


brenda said...

I'm so glad you also had an enjoyable Thanksgiving and the Orner's are just great! The radio station has been playing Christmas music and I pray for you everytime I hear a song I know you would be singing to! "Carol of the Bells" Anyway, it makes me grateful that you are "making it" way over there!

Strider said...

I trust you will have an equally fine Christmas. We brought powdered yams from the US this year. There were no turkeys for thanksgiving this year but now they are out in abundance. I know you don't like them but I make a mean turkey and dressing- even here in Middle Earth.