Monday, November 24, 2008

Vanessa's Theories on Russian Reasoning

Note: No scientific research has been done to come up with these theories. And this blog is not meant to insult or put down Russian culture or my Russian brothers and sisters – it is to share some of the differences between our cultures and hopefully bring a few smiles.

Many Babushka's die their hair a bright pinkish-red color

While this may appear to by hair die, it's really their hair follicles' reaction to 50+ years of their daily beet intake (Jamie deserves some credit for helping me develop this theory)

Women wear boots much like that sported by Julia Roberts in the 1990 movie “Pretty Women”

This is definitely a safety precaution, the stilettos make very good picks in the ice to prevent slipping (the icy sidewalks are covered with little stiletto puncture marks!)

Sour cream, curds, sour milk, white cheeses and other dairy “food” products are very popular

This is to prevent osteoporosis in the hips of all those babushkas out there braving it on the icy sidewalks

A Holstein Cow is a common holiday decoration (for the New Year's celebration)

While America has Santa coming down chimneys and stuffing stockings, the Russian Holiday Cow flies in through the window (often left open to keep from cooking in the night) and stocks the fridge with curdled-sour-white products (aka. “dairy products”). This goes to show just what a big deal dairy is here!

Toilet paper that's a cross between cardboard and crate paper

Just eat some beets and you'll know the reason for this one!

Black and other dark colors are popular clothing color choices

If you want you whites to stay white and your brights to stay bright you better not walk anywhere outside, avoid beets and get used to washing your clothes by hand (the washing machines seem to have only one temperature – HOT)!

The word for “bread” is painted on – what appear to be – military convoy trucks

I would do further research on this but fear what would happen to me if I discovered what was really being hauled by these “bread trucks”.

Men and women and children often sport mullets

While one might have the desire to have an easy hair style that will be out of the face and professional looking they might also want their neck to stay warm in the Siberian weather without the hassle of a scarf; the solution – none other then the 80's mullet

Young women wear warm winter boots, heavy fur coats, scarves, gloves, hats and mini-skirts

The cold weather reduces swelling of the legs and keeps their legs thin enough to fit into their tight tights.

There are muddy shoe prints on toilet seats

I've got nothing on this one – if you have any ideas I would love to know what they are!

I better quit with that one! Perhaps further research and observation will lead to more theories but until then I will continue to “enjoy” culture!


CristyLynn said...

Thomas said that he knows about the toilet and muddy footprint issue: People stand on the toilet and squat. Sorry, that might be too much information, but that's what he's heard (yeah, not from personal observation!).

And thinks for explaining the min-skirt situation; I've wondered that for over a year now! :)

So much fun to read this; I hope that you come up with some more!

brenda said...

I love your theory on the babushka hair color. I'm sorry beets are such a staple item in your diet. Maybe you can talk Tamara into planting potatoes or yams instead of beets next season! Your writings are very fun to read and I'm glad you keep a sense of humour about everything!

Vanessa said...

yeah i had gathered that about the toilets but just didn't know how it was possible!
and the beets aren't to bad - like their taste, but just don't care so much for their effects ;)